Your time to blossom from the inside out...


A cycle of consultations and sessions offered to accompany you in this wonderful process towards more health, focus, energy, and vitality.

Spring has just begun and, rather than blossoming, we feel the need to sleep more. We may feel more tired, less focused, and with some annoying pains here and there.
At the same time, we look in the mirror and see ourselves bloated and think about the approaching summer and the desire to wear that bikini we like so much.

What's going on?

What is possibly happening? And what could make you feel better?

The human machine is perfect. Each organ has its own crucial role. Imagine our filtering organs, the kidneys and the liver, what an incredible function they perform on which the functioning of our whole body depends. And the intestine with its function of optimally digesting food and absorbing nutrients to give us more energy.

Do we have any idea?

Do we have any idea if those duties cannot be fulfilled because the liver is overloaded or if it is stuck with stones?

Hundreds of other functions in our body depend on the perfect functioning of our liver.

The intestine would also be clogged and as a consequence the immune system, producing at the same time annoying symptoms of intoxication in the body.

Our bodily system is intertwined.

We need all organs to function perfectly to be properly healthy and able to blossom again.

Feeling tired?

Feeling tired, lack of sleep, lack of concentration and vitality, insomnia, headaches, joint pains? Feeling more depressed, sad, nervous, and anxious?

If you feel one of those symptoms, you may need to relieve your liver and intestine of the hard work they are doing to cleanse your entire system. That's why in spring a detox is recommended to cleanse our digestive organs allowing the machine to function perfectly again.

Have you ever tried a detox?

You will come out renewed, light, with extraordinary energies, focused and calm mind, and a strong connection with your inner instinct.

Choose between Detox diet or juice or water fasting and organ cleansing technique.

Detox Yoga sessions to help the detox process with conscious movement towards detox

Guided Meditations, Breathing Practices and Mindfulness so that the mind is in the best attitude towards the success of the process

Upcoming Programs

The next programs begin on April 8th and May 6th online. Choose the date that best suits you.

Contact Information

I invite you to contact me by writing here or by WhatsApp: 0034 642825096 for more information.

21-day Online Group Program

Next programs start on April 8th and May 6th online

Spring Detox Group
Complete Spring Detox Group
Personalized Detox Online
Personalized Complete Detox Online