
At the age of 14, my parents were told that my kyphosis was very pronounced and that by the age of 30 my lungs could have contracted to the point of having serious respiratory difficulty if nothing was done. That's when my agony in hospitals began, trying to do 'something' to improve the structure of my back. The orthopedics of the time advised this protocol: a month in a rehabilitation hospital for young people with two sessions a day of forced back stretching with ropes.

Después un mes de torturas de este tipo, estiramiento completo de la espalda con una maquina y yeso para 3 meses. Para nada invasivo, verdad? 

And what about the psychological and emotional part at the base of the kyphosis and the trauma I was living? 

Well, when the cast was removed, my back had lost all mobility and I would get stuck with every movement I made, with crucial back pain.

Luckily, Shiatsu appeared in my parents' lives and several sessions helped me on a physical and emotional level to reconnect with my body, my mobility and myself.

I still get emotional when I think back to those moments. Shiatsu saved me on several levels.

I was 14 years old. In the middle of adolescence and with my body blocked, first in a cast and then in a corset until I was 17! That's what the doctor of the time ordered.

Shiatsu helped me in this difficult process of my life gifting me with feeling my body again. Giving it its rediscovered mobility. Moreover it helped to overcome and manage trapped emotions and not have so much pain.

El resto lo hice el ….. Gracias, gracias, gracias por haber enviado en mi vida estas practicas tan sanadoras a todo nivel. 

Since my complete healing with Shiatsu, my devotion and trust in this practice has emerged.

A few years later, I started studying and acquiring this ancient Japanese technique that I was so fond of, becoming passionate about the technique and the benefits it brought to everyone (not just me!).

And today I dedicate myself to this practice to help those who, like me at the age of 14, need to work on several levels, be it physical and emotional, and achieve complete well-being.

The benefits of Shiatsu:

  • Relieves pain (migraines, headaches, neck pain, back pain, menstrual cramps, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, osteoporosis)
  • Improves metabolism and sleep
  • Reduces stress, depression and anxiety
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Awakens the body's self-healing abilities
  • Helps to improve digestive complications and constipation
  • Improves symptoms of asthma and immune disorders, hypertension, Parkinson's and Fibromyalgia 
  • Facilitates recovery from sports injuries

I offer Shiatsu on a mattress on a bamboo tatami in the traditional Japanese way with finger acupressure throughout the body along the 12 energy meridians. Each meridian corresponds to an organ and an emotion, following the path of the acupuncture points with pressures that reactivate the circulation and flow of blood, oxygen and energy.

The whole system is regenerated and stimulated to work correctly. The body is wise and if allowed to work in its best conditions, it can regenerate spontaneously. Shiatsu helps to create the optimal conditions for this to happen.

I am happy to be able to share this tool to accompany you in your healing process and thus achieve complete well-being.